Intentional Bliss Wellness Services offers Telehealth based Psychotherapy using a holistic approach to caring for the mind, body, and spirit.

Invest in your relationship with yourself

We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Being gracious to ourselves is something we all can benefit from by learning how to do this consistently-intentionally. I look forward to partnering with you on your journey and learning how to treat the most important person in your life, You!

Improve your relationship with others

If you are finding that your relationships with those who matter to you most are strained or could use a little improvement, this is the place for you. I can support you in finding the most effective communication and relationship building skills to create and sustain the connections you desire for your life.

“In the end, only three things matter: How much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”

—Anonymous Quote


Ready to bliss well? Schedule your free consult.

Free 10-Minute Consult

No commitment, pressure, or obligation. Complete to get started. I use a HIPAA compliant confidential platform for all communications.